Afsaneh Atabaki

Attorney in Facilities, Financing, and Business contracts

I embarked on my legal career in 2007, and over the years, I have gained extensive experience by defending and appearing in 500 judicial cases. This journey has led me to specialize in defending bank debtors. As I worked on cases related to financial, commercial, and trade matters, I received an offer in 2013 to provide legal consultancy to subsidiary companies of a holding company operating in the mining sector. Accepting this opportunity allowed me to focus specifically on issues related to finance, commerce, and trade.

The success of my work in this role led to another offer in 2018, this time to provide legal consultancy to a Dutch Holding Company. Given the serious disputes between these companies and their contracting banks, my close collaboration with them resulted in my involvement in their loan cases. Working alongside my colleagues, we diligently identified the deviations of the lending banks, which allowed them to exploit compound interest, seize collateral, and impose excessive interest and penalty charges on both domestic and foreign currency loans.

Through filing numerous lawsuits against banks on behalf of these two holdings and other clients, as well as participating in training courses related to monetary and banking disputes at the Monetary and Banking Research Institute of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I have gained invaluable knowledge and achievements. These experiences have motivated me to share my expertise in the field of banking disputes with other manufacturers and economic actors.