Katayoun Kiasaroush

Attorney in Facilities, Financing, and Business contracts

Imagine an economic enterprise, once a small seedling planted with great hope, nurtured with heart and soul until it grew into a robust tree, bearing fruits and contributing to the country’s economic prosperity while providing livelihoods for families. This enterprise, seeking to expand or simply survive in a challenging market, takes a loan from a bank. However, the bank, relentless in its debt collection efforts, applies immense pressure and collects more than what is rightfully due, leaving the business owner feeling trapped and cornered. In moments of despair, they express regret, wishing they had never embarked on this path. This is the tale of our seedling.

From a young age, Katayoun was driven by a desire to address societal issues, leading her to engage in public welfare activities through non-governmental organizations. She cannot ignore the obstacles faced by Iran’s economy, and this crisis has compelled her to work towards safeguarding the rights of businesses, ensuring their survival, and reigniting hope in productive endeavors. This commitment runs in her family, as they too chose the legal profession to uphold justice.

With this spirit, Katayoun entered the legal practice, recognizing that defending the rights of legitimate economic actors aligns with her causes, becoming the foundation of her work. She is meticulous, altruistic, unwavering, and dedicated. She loves her profession and views legal practice as a blessing, a means to defend justice. Cases are like honored guests in Katayoun’s soul and mind, deserving the best possible outcome. Achieving positive results is so crucial to her that, at times, the satisfaction she feels upon attaining the desired goal surpasses even that of her clients.

To continuously fulfill her debt to her country and contribute to Iran’s economic cycle, Katayoun pursued advanced studies in the field most relevant to monetary and banking matters, i.e. financial and economic law.